Rampelli (FdI): “Berlusconi on Zelensky? Meloni makes the line”. And on the vote: “It’s a triumph in Lazio”

Rampelli (FdI): "Berlusconi on Zelensky? Meloni makes the line".  And on the vote: "It's a triumph in Lazio"


the interview

From the electoral committee of Rocca, the vice president of the Chamber and deputy of Fratelli D’Italia comments on the words of Cav. on Russia and Ukraine

George Caruso

The government line is made by Giorgia Meloni with her allies Salvini and Tajani. It has been a coherent line for months and it will not break from there because Europe’s ability to repel attacks by totalitarian and authoritarian regimes is at stake”. Fabio Rampelli al Foglio during the counting of the regional elections in Lazio, commenting on yesterday’s statements by the leader of Forza Italia, Silvio Berlusconi, regarding Volodymyr Zelensky. The Fratello d’Italia deputy follows the polls by the electoral committee of the center-right candidate Francesco Rocca.

So you dissociate yourself from Berlusconi’s words? “I dissociate myself, it is also my personal conviction. The government line is more important than the utterances of any person, even when it is an authoritative senator, and it is the one that counts in the national and international context”.

On the results of the elections in Lazio, which see the center-right candidate Francesco Rocca with a clear advantage, Rampelli says: “More than a victory, it is a triumph, if the exit polls are confirmed. The latest polls gave us between 46 and 48 percent, already radding 48 seemed like a gamble”. According to the latest Opinio projections for Rai, Rocca is at 52.2 percent.


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