Quirinale, long conversation at Colle between Mattarella and Meloni-Corriere.it

Quirinale, long conversation at Colle between Mattarella and Meloni-Corriere.it


Of Political editorial staff

According to what has been learned, the main current political issues have been addressed. The premier will not be in Udine

Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni went to the Quirinale this morning where she had a long and cordial conversation with the head of state Sergio Mattarella on the main current political issues. This is learned from government sources. Precisely due to the continuation of the conversation, the Prime Minister no longer has the technical time to travel to Udine for the closing rally of the centre-right electoral campaign. Participate in the event by videoconference at 17.30; Matteo Salvini and Antonio Tajani are expected.

(Article being updated)

March 31, 2023 (change March 31, 2023 | 15:25)


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