Meloni at lunch at Mattarella’s, interview on Pnrr and procurement. The premier cancels the trip to Udine for the electoral campaign

Meloni at lunch at Mattarella's, interview on Pnrr and procurement.  The premier cancels the trip to Udine for the electoral campaign


The President of the Council Giorgia Meloni she had lunch at the Quirinale with the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella. A working lunch with the main current issues at the centre, in particular the new procurement code and the implementation of the Pnrr. According to what has been learned, the head of state and the premier have also addressed the dossiers of the migrant emergency and the new bill decree.

After the conversation with Mattarella, Meloni decided to cancel his trip to Udine for the closure of the electoral campaign for the Northern League’s re-nomination Massimiliano Fedriga, ahead of the vote on Sunday and Monday. The premier will connect with the center-right demonstration scheduled for 5.30 pm where they are expected Matteo Salvini and Antonio Tajani. The cancellation of his presence is due – this is the official reason – to the continuation of the interview at the Quirinale.


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