Qatargate, Figà-Talamanca returns to freedom: “New elements have emerged”

Qatargate, Figà-Talamanca returns to freedom: "New elements have emerged"


ServiceThe Belgian investigation

The Belgian prosecutor: the decision was taken in the afternoon after the interrogation

The EU Parliament has revoked the immunity of Cozzolino and Tarabella

«In the dossier» on Qatargate «there are new elements that have led to the decision to release» Niccolò Figà-Talamanca. This is what a spokesman for the Belgian federal prosecutor’s office announced after the decision to release without conditions the head of the “No Peace Without Justice” NGO detained since 9 December 2022. «The decision – he explained – was taken in the afternoon after the interrogation of Figà Talamanca, and now the necessary time is needed for the prison to complete the formalities to release him. It is an organizational question, generally we try to do it as soon as possible ».

On 27 January, Figà-Talamanca had appealed against the decision taken the previous day by the Council Chamber of the Brussels court to extend his pre-trial detention in the Saint-Gilles prison by a month. According to the head of the NGO “No Peace Without Justice” he had been arrested on charges (common to all suspects in the matter) of criminal association, corruption and money laundering. Accusations that for him are based on alleged contacts made to organize hearings with the NGO of him when the pentito Antonio Panzeri took on the role of president of the human rights sub-committee of the Eurochamber.


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