Political polls: the majority rises driven by FdI, the opposition is decreasing

Political polls: the majority rises driven by FdI, the opposition is decreasing


The majority go up. Opposition goes down. The Agi/YouTrend Supermedia published on the eve of the Immaculate Conception contains a substantial basket of polls (10 surveys by 6 different institutes) and once again confirms the trends seen recently, with the Brothers of Italy as the only party to register a statistically significant growth (almost half a point in two weeks), despite still remaining below the 30 per cent threshold. The other parties are more or less stable with variations, negative or positive, in the order of a maximum of 0.2%. Looking at the coalitions, the centre-right strengthens and reaches 46.4 (+0.7) while both the centre-left (PD plus red-green) and the M5S are in decline. The grillini are confirmed as the second party in the rankings with 17.2 percent of the preferences, above the Democratic Party which stops at 16.7 percent.

Supermedia lists

FdI 29.6 (+0.4)
M5S 17.2 (-0.2)
Pd 16.7 (-0.1)
Alloy 8.8 (+0.1)
Third Pole 7.8 (=)
Strength Italy 6.9 (=)
Greens/Left 3.6 (-0.1)
+Europe 2.5 (=)
Italexit 2.1 (-0.2)
Popular Union 1.8 (+0.2)
We Moderates 1.1 (+0.1)

Supermedia coalitions 2022

Centre-right 46.4 (+0.7)
Centre-left 22.8 (-0.8)
M5S 17.2 (-0.2)
Third Pole 7.8 (=)
Italexit 2.1 (-0.2)
Others 3.7 (+0.5)


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