Political polls: the League is growing, FdI is falling

Political polls: the League is growing, FdI is falling


Small leap of the League. The party of Matthew Salvini (9.4 percent) confirms the growing trend of the last few days. It does so at the expense of Forza Italia which, after the ascent caused by the emotional wave of the death of Silvio Berlusconi, continues its descent, stopping at 7.6 per cent, two decimals less than two weeks ago. However, a less substantial drop than that recorded by Fratelli d’Italia, which lost 0.3% but remained firmly in first place with 28.8%. Overall, the centre-right coalition loses 0.1. The centre-left parties are stable: the Democratic Party loses a decimal, while the M5s and Action grow by 0.1.


FDI 28.8% (-0.3)

PD 20.1 (-0.1)

M5S 15.8 (+0.1)

Alloy 9.4 (+0.6)

Forza Italia 7.6 (-0.2)

Action 3.7 (+0.1)

Greens/Left 3.2 (+0.1)

Italia Viva 3.0 (=)

+Europe 2.4 (+0.3)

Italexit 1.9 (+0.1)

Popular Union 1.7 (+0.2)

We Moderates 0.7 (-0.2)


Centre-right 46.5 (-0.1)

Centre-left 25.7 (+0.2)

M5S 15.8 (+0.1)

Third Pole 6.7 (+0.1)

Italexit 1.9 (+0.1)

Others 3.4 (-0.4)

NB: the changes in brackets indicate the deviation from the Supermedia of two weeks ago (July 6, 2023) NOTE: The YouTrend/Agi Supermedia is a weighted average of national polls on voting intentions. Today’s weighting, which includes surveys carried out between 6 and 19 July, was carried out on 20 July on the basis of the sample size, the date of creation and the data collection method.

The surveys considered were carried out by the institutes Euromedia (date of publication: 12 July), Quorum (17 July), SWG (10 and 17 July) and Tecnè (8 and 15 July).

The detailed methodological note of each survey considered is available on the official website www.sondaggipoliticoelettorali.it.


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