Political polls, the Berlusconi effect exhausted: Forza Italia falls

Political polls, the Berlusconi effect exhausted: Forza Italia falls


The drop in votes continues for Forza Italia, partially offset by the growth of Fratelli d’Italia. One month after the death of the blue leader, Silvio Berlusconi, the party collapses: according to the survey carried out by the research institute Quorum/YouTrend for Sky TG24, Forza Italia now gets 6.1% losing 3.5%. Also according to the survey, the Democratic Party also loses almost a point while the FdI always remains the first party. And again: three out of four (75%) are in favor of the guaranteed minimum wage which for 57% should be above 9 euros.

Voting intentions

Come on Italy downhill. The net growth of abstentions and undecided compared to the survey of 19 June (+2.5%) – when it stood at 9.6% – could indicate a Berlusconi electorate who, rather than relocating to the rest of the political offer, is taking refuge in the indecision and abstention pending developments in the political scenario. In particular, compared to the last poll of 19 June, regarding voting intentions at the national level, FdI is always the first party with 29.7%, (+1.7%) while the Pd is at 19.8% (-0.9%), followed by the M5S to 15.7% (-0.2%). There League reaches 8.5% (+1.3%), Come on Italy gets 6.1% (-3.5%), Left Green Alliance 3.7%, (+0.1%), Action 3.5% (+0.6%), +Europe 2.8% (+0.9%), Italy alive 2.4% (+0.3%). For Italy is at 1.8% (+0.2%), We Moderates to 1.3% (+0.1%). The remaining other parties collect 4.7% (-0.6%). The undecided and abstentions are 44.4% (+ 2.5%) 41.9%.

Trust in government and leaders

Compared to the June 19 survey – a week after Berlusconi’s death – the confidence of all the personalities tested remains substantially stable. The positive opinion on the government is growing (from 43% to 46%), which remains in general in balance among Italians, with a prevalence of negative opinions going from 46% to 48%. In particular, the Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni she is confirmed as the leader most appreciated by Italians with 42% approval (-2%), following her Joseph Conte with 36% (+1%), while Elly Schlein gets 26% (+2%). Then Matthew Salvini at 25% (-2%), Charles Calenda stable at 16% e Matthew Renzi to 13% (-1%). The president of the Republic Sergio Mattarella continues to obtain the consent of the vast majority of Italians with 65% of positive reviews (-1%).

Yes to the minimum wage, more than 12 euros gross per hour

Three out of four Italians (75%) are in favor of the guaranteed minimum wage, seen above all as a means of having a decent income. The consensus is transversal and almost unanimous, among the voters of government parties there is a lower consensus than the average but still large (71% among FdI voters, 67% among other cdx voters). The correct minimum figure to be recognized to employees, globally, is around 12.40 euros per hour, but in any case over half of Italians (57%) would set it above the 9 euros proposed by the opposition. The 9 euros gross per hour proposed by the oppositions is considered too timid by almost one Italian out of two (48%), even among opposition voters (49% of PD voters and 44% of M5S).


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