Political polls: the Berlusconi effect diminishes. The League surpasses Forza Italia. Stable FdI, Pd and M5S

Political polls: the Berlusconi effect diminishes.  The League surpasses Forza Italia.  Stable FdI, Pd and M5S


Continues the emotional wave followed by the death of Silvio Berlusconi, but to a lesser extent than the growth recorded by Forza Italia in the previous days. The party founded by Cav, in fact, had even managed to overtake the League, placing itself in fourth place in the ranking of parties. Compared to what was observed a few days before the death of its founder, FI grew by 0.9 percent to 8.2 percent. The League, on the contrary, drops by half a point but manages to place itself one step higher than the blue party. These are the numbers of the Agi/Youtrend Supermedia.

Even the two parties of the former third pole retreat, losing almost half a point: -0.3 Action and -0.2 Italia Viva. The top three parties are stable: Fratelli d’Italia (28.9%) growing by just one point, while the Democratic Party (20.2%) and the 5 Star Movement (28.9%) remain stable compared to the previous survey .

Supermedia lists

FDI 28.9% (+0.1)

PD 20.2% (=)

M5S 15.8% (=)

Alloy 8.7% (-0.5)

Forza Italia 8.2% (+0.9)

Share 3.6% (-0.3)

Italy Viva 3.0% (-0.2)

Greens/Left 3.0% (+0.1)

+Europe 2.3% (-0.2)

Italexit 1.9% (-0.3)

Popular Union 1.5% (=)

We Moderates 1.0% (-0.1)

Supermedia coalitions

Centre-right 46.8% (+0.5)

Centre-left 25.5% (-0.1)

M5S 15.8% (=)

Third Pole 6.6% (-0.5)

Italexit 1.9% (-0.3)

Others 3.4% (+0.4)

NB: the changes in brackets indicate the deviation from the Supermedia of two weeks ago (June 15, 2023) NOTE: The YouTrend/Agi Supermedia is a weighted average of national polls on voting intentions. Today’s weighting, which includes surveys carried out between 15 and 28 June, was carried out on 29 June on the basis of the sample size, the date of creation and the data collection method. The surveys considered were carried out by the institutes EMG (date of publication: June 19), Euromedia (June 28), Ixè (June 19), Noto (June 22), Quorum (June 26), SWG (June 19 and 26) and Tecnè (17, 19 and 24 June). The detailed methodological note of each survey considered is available on the official website www.sondaggipoliticoelettorali.it.


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