Political polls, Tajani becomes secretary and Forza Italia rises again. FdI stable, Pd goes down

Political polls, Tajani becomes secretary and Forza Italia rises again.  FdI stable, Pd goes down


Come on Italy in recovery. After the collapse in recent weeks mainly linked to the disappearance of the founder of the party, Silvio Berlusconi, FI regains consensus, at least from what emerges from the SWG survey for Tg La7 carried out between 12 and 17 July. Just in the week when Antonio Tajani he was elected new blue secretary and not president, thus opening the new post-Berlusconi era.

And according to the latest survey, Forza Italia would now stand at 7.5%, gaining 0.3%. Brothers of Italy remains almost stable in voting orientations compared to last week’s poll. It loses only 0.1% and reaches 28.7%. Loses 0.4% the Pd, however, which now reaches 20%. Stable at 15.9 the 5 star movement.

In fourth position is the League to 9.8% (-0.2%), Action at 3.4% it records a -0.2% and at 3.1%, it takes a position Verdi and the Italian Left (-0.1%).

The changes for the other parties are minimal: Italia Viva gains 0.1% and gets 2.9%, +Europe is at 2.6% (+0.2%) followed by Per l’Italia with Paragone at 2, 2% (+0.1%) and Unione Popolare which remains stable at 1.8% and the other lists register +0.3%.


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