Pnrr, the short circuit in the government that dominates the victory at the

Pnrr, the short circuit in the government that dominates the victory at the


Of Matthew Franco

The League has made it known that it would be better to renounce part of the European Plan’s debt funds, rather than waste them: a move that exacerbates concern and embarrasses Palazzo Chigi and the allies

The clear victory of the right in Friuli-Venezia Giulia was overshadowed by the heavy shadows that the same majority projected yesterday on the recovery plan. Better, a coalition party, namely the League. Through the mouth of the president of its deputies, Riccardo Molinari, Matteo Salvini’s formation let it be known that it would be better to renounce part of the debt funds of the European Plan, rather than waste them: at least Italy’s exposure to the EU would be lightened . The stance so enormous that it could suggest an isolated exit and not agreed with anyone. The problem that came after days of controversy over the government’s delays in carrying out some projects, and attempts to unload unachievable goals on past executives. And this exacerbates concern and embarrasses Palazzo Chigi and his allies. The premier Giorgia Meloni she hastened to point out that such a scenario is not on the table.

But some rethinking is underway, because work is underway to remodulate the Plan and resolve the critical issues. It was inevitable that the oppositions would ask for explanations before Parliament. The strategic theme
for the future, and suddenly being faced with a picture of the situation that is not only pessimistic but opaque raises the alarm. It is true that for months the Minister for European Affairs, Raffaele Fitto, had been whispering his perplexities about what had been planned by Mario Draghi. The difference, compared to today’s majority, is that the former president of the ECB enjoyed such authority as to silence perplexities and doubts. In addition, Draghi had had to rewrite the plan prepared in a botched way by the grillino government in record time Joseph Conte.

Now as if all the contradictions suddenly appear. The singular thing is that it was Fitto himself who made them public, with the admission that there is no time to complete some projects; and yesterday the Northern League Molinari with a further step forward, or backward. But his words are an admission of helplessness. They formalize the extreme hypothesis of giving up a portion of the 19 billion euros, with a disconcerting one: Nobody is forcing us to take them. And in parallel, the tendency to attribute responsibility to the Draghi government is reappearing: just as at the beginning the continuity with his executive was instead underlined to reassure the financial markets and Europe itself. Operation, however, succeeded by Giorgia Meloni, who today, however, finds herself immersed in a political limbo. The remodulation of the Plan, reiterated to mitigate Molinari’s words, risks lengthening the times and Italy’s recovery.

April 3, 2023 (change April 3, 2023 | 22:59)


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