Pnrr in the balance and the European Court of Justice. The reasons for Meloni’s reversal on the seaside resorts

Pnrr in the balance and the European Court of Justice.  The reasons for Meloni's reversal on the seaside resorts


Dense curries Salvini. Lega and Forza Italia remind the Melonians of when they were the ones who insulted them about Bolkestein. The right beach on concessions: all against all. But the European Commission is critical of the Competition Bill, and the billions of Recovery are at stake. But the government is only able to buy time, knowing that it will have to renege on its promises

The warning, Raffaele Fitto he had rang it last Thursday. When, on the sidelines of the CDM, he had called a handful of colleagues around him, and he had warned them: “We don’t joke about seaside resorts, we have no room for maneuver with Europe”. And since Matthew Salvini he had snorted, the Melonian minister had insisted: “We also risk compromising the Pnrr”. In short, billions dancing. And then there is a ruling by the Council of State which, despite the vague sovereign rhetoric, cannot be circumvented. And even more disruptive will be the – imminent – ​​sentence of the European Court of Justice. And in short, Giorgia Meloni believed that the notice would have been enough. So she, when she instead saw the allies of Lega and FI persist in the controversy, she blurted out. Those who are next to her now say: “Evidently the sense of responsibility of the government parties is proportionate to the votes”.

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