Pippo Civati, from leader of Italian Podemos to the management of a club

Pippo Civati, from leader of Italian Podemos to the management of a club


The former Democratic Party parliamentarian, already a candidate for the secretariat, opened the Capodoglio club in Turin with rapper Willy Peyote. A leftist innovator of the 2000s, he appointed Elly Schlein to national leadership. He is now a publisher and pub owner

“Good morning. I’m sorry but I don’t do politics and I haven’t given interviews for years. More or less since the last time she called me”. Then she replied that she was “with Bersani” and would call back. Pippo Civati, “different twin” of Elly Schlein, former parliamentarian and candidate for the Pd secretariat, as well as founder of the Italian version of Podemos, inaugurated his new business in Turin a few days ago. Nothing political and therefore dribbles (for now) any reflection on the major systems. With rapper Willy Peyote, he opened a trendy club, Capodoglio ai Murazzi, in a space where the popular Alcatraz club used to be. In the new entrepreneurial initiative, the rap singer-songwriter will take care of the musical program, Civati ​​- now editor of “People” – will organize more culture-oriented reviews.

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