Piantedosi in Calabria, migrants and security are the priorities

Piantedosi in Calabria, migrants and security are the priorities


Immigration and security were the leitmotif in the visit that the Minister of the Interior Matteo Piantedosi made today in Calabria. First stop in Roccella Ionica, place of dozens of landings of migrants, with the Ionian town which has often found itself in difficulty in dealing with flows exceeding the reception capacity. Then Africo Nuovo, still in Locride, to inaugurate the new police station built in a property confiscated from the ‘Ndrangheta.

In Roccella first aid center to be improved

In Roccella the minister visited the port and met the local administrators, assuring that “the first aid and reception center will soon change for the better, given that interventions of a certain importance are planned in order to enhance the services which in all moments of need will serve to make the reception system work at its best”.

Forward with the fight against illegal immigration

Piantedosi remarked that the work that the government is carrying out in Calabria “is aimed at making the migratory phenomenon more sustainable and manageable even in its so-called most acute phases”. Therefore reception facilities will be improved, but the commitment to fight against illegal immigration will not diminish. “Organizing ourselves for reception – specified the minister speaking to journalists – does not mean that the government will not continue to pursue policies to contain the migratory phenomenon through the actions we are carrying out together with the countries from which these people leave”.

Humanity 1 docks in Livorno, Geo Barents in Bari

A phenomenon that recorded two arrivals yesterday too. In Livorno, the NGO ship ‘Humanity 1’ docked in the port with 88 migrants on board recovered off the coast of Libya on 26 May, while the Geo Barents ship of Doctors Without Borders arrived in Bari with 605 migrants rescued in recent days on board at sea, off the coast of Sicily. On the subject of arrivals and the number of landings, however, Piantedosi said he was confident: “As a government we notice some timid positive signs also due to the good institutional relations established with some states, including Tunisia and Libya”. The interior minister then went to Africo Nuovo to inaugurate the new carabinieri barracks, built in a property confiscated from the ‘Ndrangheta. “A further encouragement – he said – to continue with conviction in a renewed path of rebirth in the name of legality, democratic participation and social commitment”.

Assets seized: +131.42%

In the opinion of the minister, in fact, the action to combat organized crime “is no longer limited to the repressive phase alone but is also enriched by a social function”. And in this sense he underlined how the fight against the mafias “must take on a cultural connotation above all with the involvement of associations and the third sector”, noting that the delivery of 260 real estate assets subject to the first experimental call for direct assignment to associations is imminent and third sector entities. Precisely on the activity carried out by the National Agency of seized and confiscated assets directed by the prefect Bruno Corda with the supervision of the Interior Ministry, Piantedosi was keen to highlight the positive results obtained in the last three years with a growth of +131.42% of assets intended, of which 150% more for real estate and 120% for companies.


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