Pd, today showdown in the direction: alliance node, but in the meantime the left wing of the party is strengthened

Pd, today showdown in the direction: alliance node, but in the meantime the left wing of the party is strengthened


For the Democratic Party and the Pd secretary Elly Schlein clear evidence has emerged from the last administrative elections: without alliances there is no winning. But from here to the next step it is pitch dark. The leader of the M5S Joseph Conte it closed to any organic alliance. Even more distant are the links with the Third Pole, which is also crossed by tensions between Action’s number one Charles Calenda and that of Italia Viva Matthew Renzi. It will not be easy for the secretary today to face the leadership of the party, the first marked by the fissure of the pax interna after the primaries.

More weight left

Also because with the official entry of article 1 into the Democratic Party, and the establishment in its place of an Association that keeps its requests alive, the map of the currents of the Democratic Party is enriched, with an increase in the weight of the left which goes to change the internal balances: the last congress had determined a new structure with two large areas, which belong to the two candidates who arrived in the primaries, Elly Schlein and Stefano Bonacciniplus two less strong areas belonging to the other two candidates, Gianni Cuperlo And Paula DeMicheli. A change that strengthens Schlein’s will to relaunch political action with a mobilization “in and with the territories” on central issues such as work, health, school, Pnrr, to “start being left again”.

Pierluigi Bersani and the Secretary of the Democratic Party Elly Schlein on the occasion of the commemoration of Guglielmo Epifani at the Famedio of the Italian Communist Party in the monumental cemetery of Verano Rome, 07 June 2023

Who is with Schlein

With the secretary Schlein, there are some historical currents of the Democratic Party, such as AreaDem, which belongs to Dario Franceschini (and which include Chiara Braga, Marina Sereni, Franco Mirabelli), the Dems of Andrew Orlando (Peppe Provenzano, Antonio Misiani, Marco Sarracino), the Area Zingaretti-Bettini (Roberto Morassut, Stefano Vaccari, Cecilia D’Elia). To these currents has been added one born precisely to support Schlein at the congress, made up of leaders who came from other currents: among the “loyal” there are Francesco Boccia, Marco Furfaro, Alessandro Zan and Chiara Gribaudo. And here Article 1 ranks with the “Compagno è il mondo” Association of Robert Hope, Pierluigi BersaniCecilia Guerra, Federico Fornaro, Alfredo D’Attorre.

internal opposition

The reformist Base took sides with Bonaccini, led by Lorenzo Guerini (Alessandro Alfieri, Simona Malpezzi, Simona Bonafè, Piero De Luca), the area close to Graziano Delrio (Debora Serracchiani, Andrea De Maria), the “young Turks” by Matthew Orfini (Luca Rizzo Nervo, Francesco Verducci, Agnese Pini), Democratic Initiative of Peter Fassino (Matteo Ricci, Patrizia Toia, Claudio Mancini, Gianclaudio Bressa), the new olive growers, ex-Lettians Marco Meloni, Anna Ascani, Matteo Mauri, Ilenia Malavasi and Lorenzo Basso, as well as LibertàEguale of the former Veltronians Enrico Morando, Stefano Ceccanti, Giorgio Tonini.

Between Schlein and Bonaccini

In the area belonging to Gianni Cupero include Andrea Giorgis, Barbara Pollastrini and Mario Oliverio, while in that of Paula DeMicheli there are Vito de Filippo and Enza Bruno Bossio. Finally there is a host of “bridge bridges” such as Marianna Madia And Lia Quartapelle who have not officially sided at the congress and who are now trying to build common ground starting from the contents.


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