In the government right, the Insigno model is more valid than the Orbán model

In the government right, the Insigno model is more valid than the Orbán model


Beware of the men to be placed, rather than transforming Italy into a branch of Hungary. But the opposition still doesn’t realize it. Because those on the Court of Auditors and the Consulta cannot be considered authoritarian moves

More model Pino Insegno than model Viktor Orbán. The opponents of the Meloni government have been trying to add water to the mill of a reckless thesis for days. And the thesis is what you know: the more time passes, the more the Meloni government damn tends to resemble the Orbán government. This newspaper, the day after the elections, the day after the victory of the center-right, the day after the historic affirmation of the nationalist right, chose to summarize, with a full-page headline, Giorgia Meloni’s affirmation in a brutal way , which you may remember: “Good morning Hungary”. But almost nine months after that date it can be said that the transformation of Italy into a branch of Hungary did not take place. And given what has happened in recent months, the parallelism between the two countries makes you smile. It makes you smile for what Italy has shown in foreign policy, fielding a line of unambiguity on Russia that Orbán’s Hungary has instead had. It makes you smile for what Italy has shown on the front of energy independence, choosing unlike Hungary to emancipate itself from Russian supplies.

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