Pd and Third pole nominate D’Amato for Lazio: the axis of the waste-to-energy plant is born

Pd and Third pole nominate D'Amato for Lazio: the axis of the waste-to-energy plant is born


At the Brancaccio theater the commissioner has formalized his candidacy for the next regional ones. Anti incinerator demonstrators burst into the room, including Gualtieri and Calenda. The Nazarene certifies: he is the candidate. The primary node remains to try to keep the Italian Left, green Europe and civics in the coalition

“What’s all this mess at this hour?” Swears a passer-by. 6 pm, Rome. You can’t even walk in front of the Brancaccio theater. “Is there Checco Zalone?”. Not at all. Among the bystanders who crowded on via Merulana already before 5pm, we are actually talking about politics, but also about orthopedic conferences. Yes, because Alessio D’Amato was the owner of the regional health care for five years. And it shows. Speaking out here are general directors of hospitals, head physicians and nurses. They are a substantial part of the audience, very full, even on stage there was miraculously Gigi Proietti. “To me eyes please”, this evening, says Alessio D’Amato. The curtain opens on a show that is entirely political and garbage, “The axis of the waste-to-energy plant” is staged. Protagonist: Alessio D’Amato, who presents himself to the mejo Roma (there is even Corrado Augias) as a candidate of the Democratic Party (with official Nazarene stamp) for the post-Zingaretti: “We will not give the Region to the right, let’s go back to winning”. Co-stars: Carlo Calenda, inventor of the candidacy, but “D’amato is not from the Third Pole, he is from the Democratic Party” and Roberto Gualtieri, the mayor who with his waste-to-energy plant has unintentionally earthquake the red-yellow alliance in Lazio. “He will be an excellent president”, guarantees the mayor. There are also twists and turns. While the commissioner unveils the successes of the Lazio health system during the pandemic, a handful of anti-incinerator protesters burst into the room. Comedy or tragedy?

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