Party and Mediaset, Meloni’s reassurances to Marina Berlusconi. And inside the Tajani-Ronzulli pact

Party and Mediaset, Meloni's reassurances to Marina Berlusconi.  And inside the Tajani-Ronzulli pact


A white Tesla stopped in front of Palazzo Chigi. Hasn’t anyone come down? Not really: it was Elon Musk. Before lunch, the first global tycoon saw Antonio Tajani and Giorgia Meloni in the afternoon. “In Italy you have to have children”, she told the premier. And “deregulation in Europe” was recommended for the markets, starting with that of cars. The advent of mister Twitter and much more – who today will also be courted by Emmanuel Macron in Paris – is a sudden ray of sunshine on the first day of the government’s return to normality, after the funeral of Silvio Berlusconi. Meloni returns to work, in Giorgia freezer mode: he wants to freeze Forza Italia and above all Mediaset from Vivendi’s takeover, at the cost of using the golden power.

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