Painful admission about Conte and his dangerous but successful leadership

Painful admission about Conte and his dangerous but successful leadership


Despite the disasters, his M5s today has everything the Democratic Party seeks and fails to have: leadership, social base, clear objectives. This is why the dem, careful not to be engulfed by Contism, also have something to learn from Contism

It’s hard to admit, it’s painful to admit, but Joseph Conteunfortunately, he can do it. And the beginning of this legislature, if possible, has even confirmed it. What do you mean? Try to put his ideas aside and focus on the results. He led the 5 Star Movement, in the elections, to a result infinitely lower than that of 2018, 18% against 33%, but to a result infinitely higher than any wildest expectation, and no one would have bet, during the electoral campaign, that the M5s would have come within a whisker of the Pd, a party that the M5s has now even surpassed in the polls. It has scrapped, on its own merits and the demerits of others, an entire ruling class by doing, partly thanks to splits and partly thanks to the rules of the Movement, what not even the most famous scrapper, Matteo Renzi, has managed to do in his party, and therefore: via Roberto Fico, via Alfonso Bonafede, via Luigi Di Maio, via Alessandro Di Battista, via Laura Castelli, via Danilo Toninelli. He snatched the party from the hands of the founding father, Beppe Grillo, and made it, de facto, a personal party.

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