Our Governors, superhuman politicians

Our Governors, superhuman politicians


NoonJanuary 22, 2023 – 08:37

They can spend a lifetime in power, like De Luca who thinks of a third term and then maybe pass the scepter on to his son

Of Anthony Polito

I was very struck by the resignation of Jacinda Arden, the premier of New Zealand. This young woman (a millennial) has been running her country by herself — and well — since she was 37 years old. At 42, she said enough: “I have no more petrol,” she explained. It is a situation that many, if not all, are familiar with. I certainly know it: I have often changed jobs, positions, companies, cities. And every time I quit because I felt I had no fuel left, that I had lost the ability to amaze and renew myself in the face of events, that I was no longer able to carry out my task effectively or in an original way, but that I had now settled into a management bureaucracy of the position reached. In politics it must be even more true.

Because politics is – it should be – a creative work par excellence. “But the point is that politicians are human too – explained Arden – We do everything we can for as long as we can. And then at a certain point it’s time to leave ». In fact, in politics, running out of petrol is not just a problem for you, as in any job; it is also inexorably a problem for others, for those you represent or administer or govern. Therefore, the choice to leave when the ability to do one’s best is finished also derives from a responsibility towards the public. I dare say at that point she has to.

Fortunately for us, not all politicians are as human as Jacinda Arden. There are also superhuman ones, who can spend a lifetime in power without ever losing energy, stamina, ideas even for an instant. Indestructible men (and yes, here they are almost always men) who don’t have to worry about young children or the family or partner they love, like poor Jacinda, but who can instead devote themselves completely and without pause to the common good, to the service infinity of the people.

Think of the duration of people like Vincenzo De Luca and Michele Emiliano. The first is already moving to ensure his fellow citizens a third term, so as to be able to govern Campania for fifteen years in a row, and then, who knows, for another five, and finally maybe pass the scepter to his son, who is made of the same pasta. And this after having been mayor of Salerno for a total of seventeen years, on two occasions, and in the meantime having been a deputy for seven years. And Michele Emiliano? Only his younger age prevents him from having the same records, but after ten years as mayor of Bari, and ten as Governor of Puglia when this legislature ends, he too will have had his twenty years in power.

Look at Jacinda, what an example of superhuman politicians. They have never known a moment of weakness, they have been able to spend every moment of these decades at the service of the citizens. These “monsters” of politics, these workaholics of power never run out of petrol. They must never fear harming the citizens they administer by losing grit and strength, finding themselves with an empty energy tank, as happened to you. And they don’t even have to use their example to create a model of democracy based on the continuous turnover of the ruling class, as you Nordics want to do. Here we follow different models, more Mediterranean, or if you want more oriental. A satrap is never tired, by definition. Long live our Governors!

January 22, 2023 | 08:37



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