On the drop in the gas bill, Giorgia Meloni attributes merits that are not hers

On the drop in the gas bill, Giorgia Meloni attributes merits that are not hers


“The cost goes down thanks to our battle on the price cap”, says the premier. But two European agencies, Acer and Esma, deny it: “An impact of the gas price cap has not been identified”. The causes are mild winter and low demand

When prices go up it is the fault of speculation, when they go down it is thanks to the government. This is the sophisticated reasoning of Giorgia Meloni on the trend in the cost of energy. We saw the first phase, that of attributing blame, at the beginning of the year when Palazzo Chigi stated that “There is speculation going on about fuel prices”. The second, that of claiming merits, we saw in Giorgia Meloni’s recent interview with Paul Del Debbio of “Straight and reverse” in which the premier pinned the medal to her chest cut 34% of the gas billestablished byArera (the Energy Regulatory Authority) with the January rate update. “We have conducted this battle on the European ceiling at the price of gas – said Meloni – which we managed to bring home and is giving its results: the price of gas has dropped and there will be a significant cut on bills”.

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