On immigration, the mayors and administrators of the Democratic Party are asking for concreteness

On immigration, the mayors and administrators of the Democratic Party are asking for concreteness


Matteo Biffoni, Pd mayor of Prato, and Pierfrancesco Majorino, head of migration policies in the secretariat of Elly Schlein and regional councilor in Lombardy speak

There is the signing of the Memorandum between the EU and Tunisia, with 105 million ready for the fight against smugglers and a photograph of the agreement (with the Tunisian president Kaïs Sayed, the president of the EU Commission Ursula von Der Leyen, the Italian premier Giorgia Meloni and Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte). But there are also the years of debate on immigration in Italy, a country of first arrival where the exchange of views is often ideological on opposing fronts. Welcoming, not welcoming, closing the ports, opening, including, containing, limiting. But then, beyond the lexicon, mayors and regional presidents remain in the area, grappling with overcrowded centers and unresolved problems. Mayors and governors who, not surprisingly, have in recent years solicited a non-sloganistic response from governments of all stripes. And there is who, how the Pd mayor of Prato Matteo BiffoniANCI delegate for immigration and first citizen in a municipality that faces the issue from the front line, has long been calling for action that disregards “electoral campaign promises”.

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