ok to the industrial plan with the Germans – Corriere.it

ok to the industrial plan with the Germans - Corriere.it


The negotiations on the future of Ita Airways take another step forward towards the signing of the agreement for Lufthansa’s entry into the tricolor company with a face-to-face meeting in Rome between the Economy Minister Giancarlo Giorgetti, the president of Ita Antonino Turicchi and Lufthansa Group CEO Carsten Spohr. An interview shortly after 2 pm, explains a brief positive note from the Mef, in which the shared industrial plan was illustrated which will determine the development of Ita in terms of fleet, network and strategic objectives.

The next steps

With today’s meeting – continues the communication from the Treasury – and in the wake of the Dpcm, further progress is made in the direction of the industrial partnership between the two carriers. All this takes place a few minutes after the note from Ita Airways announcing the approval of the business plan already shared with Lufthansa. No details are currently provided on the business plan for the years 2023-2027.

The evaluation

Spohr’s arrival in Rome had been anticipated al Courier from the same head of the European giant of the skies: in the chat the last knot to be resolved relating to the price was also indicated: the plan of the Germans to enter initially with 40% – through a reserved capital increase – of the estimated value, in December of 200-250 million euros. But, Spohr specified, in 2022 Ita lost a lot of money (-486 million euros, ed) and this must also be reflected in the evaluation of the Italian carrier.


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