Now Meloni is also in favor of Ceta

Now Meloni is also in favor of Ceta


Until a few years ago, Giorgia Meloni railed against the free trade treaties that the European Union had signed with Western allied countries. The main focus was the Ceta (Comprehensive economic and trade agreement) with Canada, against which Meloni – together with the left and Verdi, Lega and M5s passing through the CGIL – strenuously opposed. “CETA, the EU-Canada free trade treaty, is bullshit against the needs of the peoples. FdI will fight in Italy against the ratification ”, thundered the premier. She took it out on the traitors of the national interest, such as Forza Italia, which instead was in favour: “Ceta will seriously damage the Made in Italy agri-food sector and our quality productions and is yet another EU hustler to the big multinationals. Anyone who votes for the ratification of a crap that massacres Made in Italy cannot be an ally of FdI ”, she insisted.

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