Nordio, the scrooge of ministers with 232,000 euros declared in 2021, immediately after Valditara and Sangiuliano

Nordio, the scrooge of ministers with 232,000 euros declared in 2021, immediately after Valditara and Sangiuliano


Carlo Nordio is the “big scrooge” of the Meloni government. At the center of the controversy these days for the justice reform and the use of telephone interceptions, the Minister of Justice, elected deputy from the ranks of the Brothers of Italy, is also the protagonist of the classification (still partial) of the statements of the members of the CDM published by recently on the Palazzo Chigi website, in the transparency section. In fact, the holder of Justice is the richest one with a taxable income (for the year 2021) of 232 thousand 438 euros. Close behind him are the doctor Giuseppe Valditara, indicated by the Carroccio as head of Education, with 210 thousand 411 euros, and the former director of TG2 now Minister of Culture, Gennaro Sangiuliano (204 thousand 780 euros). Close behind are the head of the department for sport and young people, Andrea Abodi with 175 thousand 076 euros; the Minister of Labor and Social Policies, Marina Elvira Calderone (166 thousand 443 euros); the minister for regional affairs and autonomy, the Northern League member Roberto Calderoli with 147 thousand 077 euros; the force activist Anna Maria Bernini, former group leader in the Senate of Silvio Berlusconi’s party, now head of the university ministry (121,987 euros). Behind are the head of the ministry for civil protection and marine policies Nello Musumeci (105 thousand 497 euros); the minister for Disabilities, the exponent of the Carroccio, Alessandra Locatelli (104 thousand 960 euros). For now, six members of the government team are under 100,000 euros: the ministers of the public function Paolo Zangrillo (98,471 euros); of Agriculture Francesco Lollobrigida (99 thousand 982 euros) and of Relations with Parliament, Luca Ciriani (94 thousand 540 euros). To these must be added the blue number two Antonio Tajani, deputy premier and head of the Farnesina (54 thousand 434 euros); the Minister for the Family Eugenia Roccella (47 thousand 690 euros) and, bringing up the rear, Raffaele Fitto. On paper, the former governor of Puglia is the one with the heaviest powers, starting with the management of Pnrr funds, but sifting through 730 of all his colleagues, he is the ‘poorest’ with a taxable amount of 2089 euros received in 2021 , because, his entourage explains, the income as an outgoing MEP is taxed at source, i.e. in Brussels. The analysis of the accounts in the ministers’ pocket is not definitive, given that not everyone has communicated their data.


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