Nordio: “Dangerous cospito, it orients anarchists. There is no news to revoke the 41bis”

Nordio: "Dangerous cospito, it orients anarchists. There is no news to revoke the 41bis"


The wording “limited disclosure represents a wording that goes beyond the subject of state secrets and secrecy classifications and is unsuitable for connoting the transmitted document as a classified document”. The Minister of Justice said so Charles Nordio speaking to the House about the document cited by John Donzelli on the interviews held by Alfred Cospito with members of organized crime.

Two situations are pending against Cospito: one of jurisdictional competence before the Cassation and one of the ministry’s competence following the request for revocation of the 41bs, in the meantime, “novelties” have occurred, Nordio said. On 9 February, after acquiring all the necessary opinions, “I rejected the request for revocation of 41bis”. “The “new elements brought forward by the defense do not have the necessary demolition effect of the 41bis regime”, added the Minister of Justice.

“After acquiring the opinions, I signed the decree rejecting the request for revocation of 41 bis for Alfredo Cospito. The new elements brought forward by the defense do not have the necessary demolition effect of the conditions for maintaining this region. This assessment is confirmed by the opinion of the national anti-mafia and anti-terrorism prosecutor, who considered the legal reasons that had been brought forward by Cospito’s defender to be unfounded”, Nordio explained to the Chamber.

The dangerousness of Alfredo Cospito – continues Nordio – is “confirmed by the multiplication of intimidatory actions by anarcho-insurrectionist groups. His ability to direct the initiatives of struggle of the anarchist insurrectionist galaxy remains”.

“Continuous daily monitoring” of Alfredo Cospito is ensured: whose health conditions “are monitored in real time”. Since February 13, Cospito has resumed potassium supplements and yogurt with honey, added Nordio, his values ​​have recovered and his clinical picture has improved, which however remains serious.


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