Mulé: “Forza Italia is loyal to Meloni, but he won’t get stoned. Receive Calenda? It’s only for Calenda”

Mulé: "Forza Italia is loyal to Meloni, but he won't get stoned. Receive Calenda? It's only for Calenda"


They say, and they say on the left, Forza Italia is “the party of cement”, Forza Italia is the “party of amnesty”… George Mulévice president of the Chamber, deputy of Fi, on 22 October 2018, the night of the “I forgive Ischia”, the day in which article 25,100 was filed by the Conte I government, who was your party with? “He was on the right side. He was on the other side ”. Which? “The side of those who opposed. The part of those who considered that article, that amendment, a parliamentary ambush, consummated with the cover of darkness, to put it in Giuseppe Conte’s words, and, moreover, after a marathon in Montecitorio that had nothing to do with the Genoa decree ”. Where was she that day? “In Parliament, in the Transport Commission, where I denounced the forcing, as soon as I received that article on which we voted against. A few days later, in the Chamber, I had a harsh confrontation with the then Speaker of the Chamber, Roberto Fico”. For what reason? “I complained because the government was ‘small’. There was only one undersecretary to represent the government”. It’s cool? “He repeated that the government had not ‘disappeared’. I tried to explain to him the difference between ‘haggard’, which meant thin texture, and ‘gone’, which meant disappeared. Unfortunately it wasn’t easy for me…”.

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