Minister Piantedosi’s report after the Ocean Viking case

Minister Piantedosi's report after the Ocean Viking case


In the Senate

The government’s urgent information on the management of migratory flows and, in particular, on the recent interventions of NGOs in the central Mediterranean

“At the basis of the choices made there is an absolute priority: the protection of human dignity, of the dignity of the person”. The interior minister said, Matteo Piantedosiin the report to the Senate on the management of migratory flows and on the recent interventions of NGO ships in the central Mediterranean.

Minister data

“In the national reception centers there are over 100,000 migrants and there is a trend towards saturation of available places”, said Piantedosi, who then went on to recall the latest data already repeatedly cited by the government: “In 2022 they arrived in Italy over 90,000 migrants, 60 percent more than in the same period of 2021”.


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