Melons heel. Not only Rai and Gdf, but also Servizi and Inps. Fazzolari wants to get the department

Melons heel.  Not only Rai and Gdf, but also Servizi and Inps.  Fazzolari wants to get the department


In Giorgia Meloni’s world one would say: “They believe it”. Meloni now “we can believe” that a commander of the Gdf can be appointed by bypassing her minister. “We can believe” that Mauro Nori, “our man”, could go to the top of the INPS. And “there’s ‘really,’ to believe” that power, that substance that he didn’t know how to handle, can be tamed. We begin to hear the sound of the Meloni “heel”, in Rai, in the CDM, in the state apparatuses.

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