Meloni’s “voice”. The premier has a communication problem at Palazzo Chigi

Meloni's "voice".  The premier has a communication problem at Palazzo Chigi


Rome. If you were prime minister what would you prefer? Would you rather talk about your first state visit to Algeria or let the Italians know that “sorry to disappoint the press but with Minister Nordio the climate is excellent”? A confused, slow, and resentful government communication overshadowed one of the premier’s most important trips. Giorgia Meloni still can’t tell her story and her staff still talks about her as an opposition leader. There is a fault at the origin. The premier’s spokeswoman today has an indefinite role while the head of the Palazzo Chigi press office is actually a deputy head of the press office. It is not understood what one does and what the other does. There is no figure who clearly relates to foreign newspapers. There is no connection with the ministers. What is the “voice” of the Prime Minister?

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