Green, and very radical. A party, De Benedetti’s new idea

Green, and very radical.  A party, De Benedetti's new idea


Not like the German moderates. The engineer’s plans are clearer. Those of Letta, less ambitious, aspire to the presidency of the Democratic Party. And this last road is full of obstacles

The well-informed reveal that the asphyxiated arena of Italian politics could soon host a new movement. In fact, it is said that the engineer Charles DeBenedettiafter launching a new journal (il Tomorrow) is now pondering whether to embark on a further adventure. The idea would be to give life to a green party. But not as one might perhaps think at first of a political entity inspired by the moderate German environmentalists. Far from it: a very radical green party. It is still not certain that in the end the operation will actually go through, but what is certain is that De Benedetti is talking about it and asking for advice.

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