“Meloni, no more excuses. Now we need a parliamentary session on the Pnrr”. Talk to Amendola

"Meloni, no more excuses. Now we need a parliamentary session on the Pnrr".  Talk to Amendola


“The six-monthly report contradicts the government’s rhetoric. Spain shows that we are late. But Italy is playing everything on the Recovery. For this we need a debate in the Chambers, and I am sure that Fitto will not shy away. The Democratic Party is ready to work”. Interview with the deputy dem

On an armchair of the Transatlantic, he stands there rattling off a strange list: “Assessment, governance, accountability, upskilling, mismatch…”. Sir, is everything ok? “I do. Instead, I would not like to be one of the authors of the six-monthly report on the Pnrr”. Raffaele Fitto and Giorgia Meloni? “If the Rampelli proposal were law, the one against foreignisms in official documents, they would have to answer for twenty-one unjustified Anglicisms”. To which one says, oh well: if this were the problem of the Report. And instead here Enzo Amendola immediately dismisses the jest: “The truth is that we awaited this document anxiously, like the cinepanettoni at Christmas. In the end, albeit late, no less than two Reports arrived, which were different from each other. Evidently some diligent little hand rinsed the first draft at the Mef, the one fired by Palazzo Chigi “.

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