Meloni cornered on Rai by Lega and FI. Fuortes is looking for Gianni Letta. Chiocchi towards Tg1

Meloni cornered on Rai by Lega and FI.  Fuortes is looking for Gianni Letta.  Chiocchi towards Tg1


The premier does not decide on the future of the CEO and he deals with everyone, even with the M5s. Salvini asks for the removal to trip. Fuortes’ move: more money for news programmes, but the move could anger employees

If you think as he thinks Giorgia Meloni that “Rai’s current management is a European anomaly”, if you repeat that in Rai “an institutional tear has taken place against FdI”, well, if you are in a position to repair that anomaly, but you decide not to do it , what will they think of you? They will think you have agreed. Giorgia Meloni is oriented to leave the CEO Carlo Fuortes at the helm of Rai. The members of the Rai board of directors, in the center-right, Forza Italia and Lega, are waiting to know his will. They let her know that next Monday, in the board of directors, there is a concrete possibility of “distrusting”, in fact, the Rai managing director by expressing a negative opinion on the budget. In place of Fuortes there is an agreement between FI and Lega on the name of Roberto Sergio, director of Radio Rai, and on Giampaolo Rossi (former member of the FdI board of directors) as general manager with broad powers.

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