Meloni collects enemies, but is ready to reverse on the Pos. Meanwhile Conte rejoices

Meloni collects enemies, but is ready to reverse on the Pos. Meanwhile Conte rejoices


The government feels under siege and with Fazzolari’s words it ends up making a head-on against the Bank of Italy. The leader of the M5s takes care of the dissatisfaction with the maneuver: after the pact with Landini, today the meeting with Bonomi

Giovanbattista Fazzolariundersecretary to the presidency and ambidextrous arm of Giorgia Meloni, seems to take some pleasure in telling a group of reporters that “we are all against: the M5s which exploits the income reform, the trade unions, Confindustria, Bank of Italy”. The day is marked by the words of “Fazzo” against Via Nazionale which then lead to a correction, invoked and expected by the Quirinale: “Let’s not question the autonomy of the Bank of Italy”, Palazzo Chigi announced after the undersecretary had responded to the criticisms of Palazzo Koch with the theory that “the institution is owned by private banks”. This is why it would be so clear on the cash ceiling and the abolition of the Pos below 60 euros.

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