It is not true that the South is assisted

It is not true that the South is assisted


NoonDecember 6, 2022 – 07:58

from Marco D’Isanto

The tightening of the Citizenship Income announced by the government will lead to spending savings, according to what was declared by the MEF, of 743 million euros. In practice, from 1 January 2023 to people between 18 and 59 who are able to work but who do not have disabled people, minors or dependents aged 60 or over in their household, income will be recognized within the maximum limit of 7/8 months instead of currently 18 renewable. it is clear that out of a total expenditure of around 8 billion a year, the expected savings do not constitute a significant figure. The data released by the INPS president, Pasquale Tridico, describe a complex picture that distances itself from the simplifications that are too often proposed in the public debate to reduce the measure to a form of state parasitism, which in the back thought of those who use these arguments, attributes to the usual Noon. In fact, Tridico explains that around 20% of the recipients were already working, with minimal earnings, from the beginning of the measure and have not stopped doing so, on the contrary, they have increased their offer on the market. A sufficient figure to point out that income does not encourage you to stay on the couch. And – he adds – the data show that the citizen’s income program is not static, on the contrary it has a very sustained mobility, with a replacement rate of around 50%: 5 million people have entered since the beginning and half have left . The permanence is above all for those who are most distant from the labor market: minors, the elderly, the disabled and individuals who have not had employment relationships in recent years or who have never had one.

Still looking at the data, it turns out that with the recovery of the economy in October, the recipients fell to around 2.45 million people, corresponding to 1.16 million households and around 350,000 in the three-year period have entered into a contract of work. Given these that demolish the narrative of the typical earner as one lying at the expense of the state. It is actually a measure in support of poverty, which has allowed an audience of around 5 million people to have a little help to emerge from a condition of social desperation. In fact, it should always be remembered that the average allowance received is 550 euros and that two-thirds is given to people who cannot work (elderly, disabled, minors), or have never worked. One of the arguments that is most frequently used to reaffirm the need to reduce this subsidy is that, for young people in particular, they should be guaranteed not a subsidy but real employment. This thesis is largely shared, a pity that it risks being empty rhetoric. In the last 45 years, in fact, the employment rate in the Southern regions has increased from around 50% to 44.3% in 2020. This means that the unemployment rate in the Mezzogiorno and in the islands has increased with peaks approaching 36% in the d age from 15 to 29 years. The long-term unemployed in the South represent 10.3% compared to 1.2% in Germany, the most alarming figure in all of Europe.

In economics what counts are trends, and therefore speaking of employment in the South without any shred of program in this direction simply means condemning to absolute poverty those who live in conditions of extreme fragility in this area of ​​the country. Or perhaps employment means the forced migration of young southerners to often underpaid seasonal jobs? Further clarity should also be clarified on the story of an assisted South. Again, it is sufficient to analyze some data. According to Istat, the expenditure of Municipalities for social services in Italy is equal to 124 euros per inhabitant (120 in 2017) with very large territorial differences: in the South of 58 euros, less than half of the rest of the country and about a third of that of the North East (177 euros). The mayor of Naples, Gaetano Manfredi, and the other mayors of the South know something about it. The average value of social services in the autonomous province of Trento is equivalent to about 11.2 times the services offered by Calabria. In the 2019 Svimez report it was analyzed that health spending in the South was 25% lower than that of the central north. Between 2008 and 2018, public spending on investments in the South more than halved and went from 21 to just over 10 billion. And again: 70% of the aid granted in the pandemic phase, we are talking about a few tens of billions of euros, ended up assisting companies and citizens of the North. If all the tax breaks granted in the last 20 years were carefully analysed, it would be discovered that in terms of public finances, those who have benefited most are the areas of central and northern Italy. Just think of the three-year contribution exemption planned for the Renzi government and costing around 17 billion, of which 75% is destined for companies in the central and northern regions. In the two-year period 2020-2022, bonuses and tax breaks cost 113 billion to the state coffers. Other than basic income, we should start talking about a country that is only half assisted with another half left to waste away: half assisted not for the South.

December 6, 2022 | 07:58



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