Meloni and Trudeau, the question and answer on LGBT rights at the G7

Meloni and Trudeau, the question and answer on LGBT rights at the G7


A possible clash over LGBTQ+ rights at the G7 was in the air, and so it was. In fact, an “exchange of views” on rights took place, as reported on the Canadian presidency website, between Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, during the bilateral meeting held this morning in Hiroshima before the start of the work of the G7.

According to the Canadian media present at the first part of the bilateral meeting, Trudeau said he was “concerned by some of the positions that Italy is taking on LGBT rights”. The premier, reads the Canadian note, “responded that her government is following the decisions of the courts and is not deviating from previous administrations”.

Yet already in December, despite the decision of the Rome court which had agreed with two mothers who wanted to change the wording on the document to guarantee the inclusion of gay couples, the Meloni government had reversed: the Interior Ministry and the Ministry of the Family had in fact, decided to leave everything as envisaged in 2019 by the decree of the Ministry of the Interior, of which Matteo Salvini was the owner at the time, with the words “father” and “mother”. “The most beautiful words in the world,” commented the Northern League leader.

The reverse of the Meloni government: they remain “father” and “mother” on the identity cards of the children

Many Italian mayors have taken action against the stiffening of the government in terms of rights, arriving last week at the Teatro Carignano in Turin to ask Parliament to approve a law that does not discriminate against the children of rainbow families.

Turin, the rainbow pact. Three hundred mayors alongside same-parent families: “Now a law that does not discriminate against children”

Claudia Luise and Maurizio Tropeano


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