Meloni, a video for the 100 days of government: “More can be done, but I’m satisfied”

Meloni, a video for the 100 days of government: "More can be done, but I'm satisfied"


«More could be done, but I’m satisfied». So Giorgia Meloni in the video posted on social media to review the achievements of the first hundred days of government. Seated, with the coat of arms of Palazzo Chigi behind her, and the flags of Italy and the EU at her side, Giorgia Meloni draws up her balance sheet: from the measures against the mafia to the fight against illegal immigration and the requests to Europe to “defend the borders», from support to Ukraine to the investment of 30 billion to lower the cost of bills for citizens and businesses, the prime minister rattled off all the measures of her executive in the video with the significant title, “100 shares in 100 days”.

And still on with the other government actions, from the tax truce to the extension of the flat tax for VAT numbers and the raising of the ceiling on cash and the fight against tax evasion. And then the measures for the most vulnerable with the Pact for the Third Age and the raising of minimum pensions, “because we have told our elders that we consider them important and we take care of them”.
“We have launched the first measures of a more equitable and just state”, continued the premier, who reiterated (on the eve of the CDM on autonomy) that “We wanted to establish the principle that every citizen, every territory, every municipality, must have the same attention.

Schools, universities, culture charters and merit charters for young people, the increase in sport in the suburbs, the 500 million increase in scholarships: attention to young people is also important. Even for families, with the 50% increase in the single allowance for children. And yet the allocations for the areas affected by the earthquake, attention and funds for the environment.

«I am satisfied – concluded Meloni – with the fact that not a single day has passed, Saturdays, Sundays, holidays included, without us at least attempting to give an answer. Always on Italy’s side».


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