Mattarella authorizes sending Nordio bill to the Chambers

Mattarella authorizes sending Nordio bill to the Chambers


The President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella has authorized the presentation to the Chambers of the bill containing amendments to the penal code, the code of penal procedure, the judicial system and the code of the military system.

The examination will start from the Senate, the ANM will be audited

The examination of the bill which represents the first stage of the Meloni government’s justice reform will start from the Senate. And it is already taken for granted in the center-right that among the hearings in the commission there will be that of the National Association of Magistrates: one of the hottest appointments in the parliamentary examination process is announced, after the exchange of accusations and suspicions with Palazzo Chigi. In a climate of tension also weighed down by the case of the forced indictment of undersecretary Andrea Delmastro and by the investigation into Visibilia, for which the Minister of Tourism Daniela Santanchè will have to face the motion of no confidence presented by the M5s on Wednesday 26 July at Palazzo Madama.

The mediation of Mantovano

Meanwhile, after last Thursday’s face-to-face between the Head of State and Giorgia Meloni, a thawing operation has begun between the executive and the ANM leaders, also entrusted to the diplomacy of the undersecretary to the Prime Minister Alfredo Mantovano. At the moment, any hypothesis of a discussion table with the magistrates is excluded. The appropriate venue to listen to the observations of the robes, the government reasoned, will be precisely the hearings in the parliamentary commissions (starting with the Justice in the Senate, led by the Northern League Giulia Bongiorno), which will involve the ANM and other key players in the system judicial.

The repeal of the abuse of office

Among the nodes of this bill there is also the repeal of the abuse of office. According to the president of the National Anti-Corruption Authority, Giuseppe Busia, “it would be useful to clarify, further specify the case” of the crime but “it would be wrong to abolish it altogether because, and the Cassation also said so, a public official who intentionally violates the law advantage of someone to harm others commits a behavior of such gravity that it must be supported by criminal penalties”. The government has undertaken to act in Parliament “so that the provision is consistent with the Constitution”. But in the majority a tug-of-war with Nordio, backed by FI, is expected.

The distrust of Santanchè and the decree against organized crime

Even less solid than that of the Keeper of Seals is the position of Santanchè. For days the frost has mounted around the minister, inside the majority and the government. However, the opposition on paper do not have the votes to pass the no-confidence. The Democratic Party will support the motion presented by the M5s, and so will the AVS MPs, even if they would have preferred a common path for minorities. The Third Pole has not yet taken sides: “We will carefully evaluate the text of the motion and decide”. The government is then working on an interpretative decree law on the concept of organized crime, following a recent ruling by the Cassation. It could arrive in the last CDM before August 15th.


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