Maneuver, hypothesis of amnesty for tax evaders: tax peace is being studied for some tax crimes

Maneuver, hypothesis of amnesty for tax evaders: tax peace is being studied for some tax crimes


Sisto’s proposal and undersecretary Freni’s denial

It looks like an amnesty but it must be called “forgiveness”. The new moratorium on certain tax crimes, which unexpectedly emerged from the bag of the Ministry of Justice on December 16, has already put the opposition on a war footing. Talking about the possibility that in the fiscal peace, which has inspired the government since day one, there is also the possibility for those who settle the account with the tax authorities to have “formal crimes” extinguished, such as the omitted tax return and the declaration unfaithful, is the Deputy Minister Francesco Paolo Sisto. The reaction of the M5S in the Budget Committee in the Chamber was immediate: “The government wants a clean slate on tax crimes”. It is then up to Undersecretary Federico Freni to try to calm down by explaining that the “deposited texts” and not the declarations will be discussed. But the dem Ubaldo Pagano points out that “Sisto is a deputy minister and if what he says is worth zero then the agreements made so far in the commission are also worth zero”. While the majority and the opposition thus find a new element of confrontation, the ministries of the Economy and Justice are reportedly evaluating the case. Waiting to see if the hypothesis will really take shape in an amendment, let’s try to understand exactly what Deputy Minister Sisto is talking about.


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