“It is inflation that destroys savings, not the ECB.” Speak Tables

"It is inflation that destroys savings, not the ECB."  Speak Tables


“There were no upward alternatives, the attack on savings comes from inflation”. The professor of economic policy at Bocconi is convinced that there are no alternatives to monetary tightening

The ECB is doing its job, the criticisms against it are unjustified. The expectations of the financial markets, which aimed for a softening of monetary policy, were unrealistic. It is true that inflation is going down and will drop much further next year, but it won’t easily go below 4 per cent”. Guido Tabellini does not join the rain of criticisms that, especially in Italy, fall on the European Central Bank and on the president Christine Lagarde. Professor of economic policy at Bocconi (he was rector and is now vice president of the Milanese university), he is convinced that there are no alternatives to monetary tightening, despite the signs of a slowdown in price dynamics.

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