M5s, goodbye myth of refunds. The fee drops to 500 euros, but no one pays. Count included

M5s, goodbye myth of refunds.  The fee drops to 500 euros, but no one pays.  Count included


The new MPs of the M5s have not yet paid a euro to the party and neither has the increasingly smaller share destined for the community. Strange but true. All the fault of the bureaucratic mechanism that regulates the life of Giuseppe Conte’s creature. Due to a matter related to the rebound between the guarantee body and the political leader, the new regulation has not yet been applied. And so, since the new legislature began, the pentastellate troops have enjoyed their full salary without having to submit to the bushy world of refunds. Once the trademark of the alleged diversity of the M5s, the only party that cut its salary to give it to needy Italians.

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