Anpal and autonomy, little hands and slaps. The three fights between Lega and FdI

Anpal and autonomy, little hands and slaps.  The three fights between Lega and FdI


From Minister Calderone’s move on the dismantling of the Agency for active policies to the Senate document on differentiated autonomy, communication between government allies denounces some too much friction

The joke, ad Arthur Scott, came spontaneously: “But at least talk to each other”. Malice from opposition, she will say to herself. And there it is. However, the communication between allies – those of the right – really denounces some friction too much, in the government. Otherwise how to explain the coldness with which Walter Rizzetto, a Melonian deputy always on the spot, responded to the requests for clarification that the leader of the Democratic Party in the Labor commission made yesterday morning. “We are here to discuss the reform of the Anpal statute and we learn that in the meantime Anpal, the government, wants to suppress it. Are you kidding us?” asked Scotto. To which Rizzetto, who is the president of that commission, shrugged his shoulders: “I don’t know anything about it either. I will try to ask the government for information”.

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