Luigi Berlusconi, the third king of Arcore

Luigi Berlusconi, the third king of Arcore


After Pier Silvio and Marina there is him: “il Pretino”, he knows how to make money and has already built an empire. Portrait of the “minor” who embodies a disembodied capitalism, between Steiner and Cuccia

The little priest has come a long way. The priest, as he called him, Silvio Berlusconi, the last son of him, the little one of the house, Luigi. He told it himself, on TV, to Paolo Bonolis (2006): “I phone, I ask for Luigi and they tell me to call back after five minutes because he is in prayer. I call back and they tell me that he is still in prayer. I blurt out: but then he is saying Mass!”. The little priest was born like all Veronica’s children in Switzerland, in Arlesheim, in the canton of Basel, in the “anthroposophical clinic of Arlesheim”.

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