Long live the primaries. A great democratic value, beyond the candidates

Long live the primaries.  A great democratic value, beyond the candidates


It is not the system that produces the unwanted and regrettable effects but, on the contrary, the lack of awareness of its potential that makes them possible. It should now be clear to everyone that there is no more room for games

The complex mechanism, perhaps even too complicated of the congress of the Democratic Party and the evanescent phase of the votes in the circles, which moreover has highlighted a quantitative and qualitative weakness of the membership, risk reducing or even conceal the great democratic value of the election of the secretary through primaries among the voters. It is a pity, because even if the candidates may not be attractive or convincing, the extraordinary fact remains that whoever wins the confrontation will have a mandate of an extraordinarily greater type than that of all other political leaders. First of all, the exponents and leaders of the Democratic Party must be convinced of thiswho in the past have not always known how to draw the natural consequences of a democratic process of this nature, which has often led the defeated to go out to found small irrelevant parties or to make it impossible for those who have had the popular mandate to manage the party, making the prevailing self-defeating current logic.

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