Littizzetto-Salvini, controversy over the teacher shot by students with an air pistol –

Littizzetto-Salvini, controversy over the teacher shot by students with an air pistol -


Of Lorenzo Nicolao

The comedian had commented on the story of Rovigo: “If the teacher is empathetic, they don’t shoot her with dots in class”. Harsh response from the minister: “You would have done better to keep quiet”

“Silence is golden, how can you say such a thing?” The Minister of Infrastructure and Transport Matthew Salvini don’t mince words when answering Luciana Littizzetto, after the Turin comedian had commented on the case of the teacher from Rovigo, for which the students had also apologized a few days ago. About three months ago the teacher was shot in class with pellets from an air gun.

Littizzettowho has also worked as a music and literature teacher in the past, had commented live on Radio Deejay the story ofViola Marchesini Technical Institute, condemning the gesture as “absurd and violent” but specifying that the management of the class of professor Maria Cristina Finatti has not always been impeccable. “I taught for nine years – said the comedian – but nobody ever shot me, even if some classes were quite turbulent. They threw chalks, but I never reported. If you are not able to manage complicated classes, it is better to change professions. There are no ungovernable classes, you need to create empathy with the kids”.

Words to which Salvini replied harshly from his social profiles. “If the professor isn’t empathetic then does he shoot himself in class?” And again: «How can you think of saying such a thing? Sometimes silence is golden, it would have been better to keep quiet». The words of another minister of the Meloni government echo him, Giuseppe Valditara, which represents the Ministry of Education. “If a student shoots a teacher is wrong without ifs and buts, there is no room for further explanations.” The teacher had reported the fact with these reasons: «I denounce them all to defend my dignity and that of my colleagues, but above all because a border has been crossed. I hope it doesn’t happen to anyone again. Our job cannot become dangerous and in this the parents should be our allies, instead they are usually totally sided with their children”.

January 23, 2023 (change January 23, 2023 | 10:19 am)


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