I don’t leave, the criticisms stimulate me – Corriere.it

I don't leave, the criticisms stimulate me - Corriere.it


Of Virginia Piccolillo

The Keeper of the Seals: harmony with Meloni. Forza Italia’s discontent over the role of FdI undersecretary Delmastro. The prime minister confirms his line: life imprisonment and amendments to the Cartabia reform

“Never back down”. In the day in which the harsh attacks of his former magistrate colleagues rebounded in the press and rumors of probable resignation were accredited, the minister Carlo Nordio resisted for a long time. Making extensive use of the “patience of Job” mentioned on Friday during the prayer in front of the relic of the bloody shirt of the judge Rosario Livatino murdered by the mafia and now blessed. “In this world, the just are often punished and the unjust are rewarded,” said the minister, quoting the biblical character who had resisted adversity. And “the righteous is often oppressed by pain, while the evil one rejoices in his iniquity”.

To those who asked him if he really intended to resign, he smiled shaking his head and replied that it was only an “exaggeration”. Then in his literary manner he added, citing a little Winston Churchill and his Never give in and a bit the Latin motto of the putant quod cupiunt: they think what they would like in their hearts.

In Treviso, with his family, with his wife and his beloved cats, he waited for the rumors and above all the criticisms to stop. Finally, in the evening, he thought it best to clarify that he will not leave. “I’ve never even thought about resigning. In the first place because we are in perfect harmony with the premier », she said, claiming that her line is the official one of the government, not her personal one. “Then because the criticisms, especially those expressed in a decomposed and eccentric way, are an incentive to continue”, he added, rejecting any objection to the sender. «And finally because my resolution on justice passed with 100 votes against 50 in the Senate, and with the same percentage in the House, with a standing ovation even from a part of the opposition. The rumors about our internal divisions are clearly denied by the votes », he concluded.

A declaration that tries to silence those criticisms, veiled and not, which have come from the allies to his announcement of a tightening on wiretapping except for “crimes of the mafia and terrorism and satellite crimes”, and to his stern reference to the magistrates: “The Parliament is not supine to the prosecutors”. Statements that have attracted the controversy of the ANM, even moderate currents of the judiciary and authoritative magistrates. But also the distinction of allies. Even succeeding in the unprecedented result of having the leader of the League, Matteo Salvini, take on the role of moderator with the invitation to “tone down”. To make the situation more complex, the clarifications of the Brothers of Italy, pronounced by the undersecretary Andrea Delmastro himself, who is responsible for justice for Giorgia Meloni’s party: “Satellite crimes of the mafia are also corruption, extortion, embezzlement”.

To unite around the guaranteed positions of the Minister Forza Italia. Convinced that only Delmastro’s position is disturbing the peace of the government who, they say privately, “speaks of tables that have never been opened, like the one in the press, and of rules that have never existed”. In reality, there is “concern” about the outcry by the magistrates, generated by Nordio’s statements, especially before concrete measures have been enacted. And Giorgia Meloni would also be no stranger to it who, not surprisingly, two days ago called each of the ministers to identify 3-4 priority objectives and provide a time schedule to achieve them. A challenge for Nordio’s volcanic desire to “go all the way” to the guaranteed line in which he believes. And to which the Third Pole also applauds, to which the cracks in the majority can only benefit.

But from that method, which is hers, Giorgia Meloni does not want to derogate. The motto is “now we have to do things, no longer say”. The synthesis will be found. Even if, filtering through Palazzo Chigi, the line is the one already expressed in the first measures: the confirmation of the impediment to life imprisonment and the modifications of the Cartabia reform «which will not be the only ones given that the test of the application shows some problems». Tears towards a different line capable of reviving the political-judiciary clash are not planned. Especially in the climate created by the arrest of Matteo Messina Denaro. On the mafia Nordio, in front of the relic of Livatino, promised: “We will always continue his work against the mafia, with the same competence and determination as him”. We will see from the facts.

January 23, 2023 (change January 23, 2023 | 08:39)


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