Landini launches the general strike for the autumn

Landini launches the general strike for the autumn


After announcing it several times the secretary of the CGIL, Maurizio Landini, from the Fiom party in Brescia launched a general strike. “It will be in the fall,” she announced. “It will be necessary to do it against the budget law. We will hold an extraordinary consultation among the workers in September and not only to ask whether to mobilize, but also to understand how we want to do it and how to convince people to come with us to Rome” said Landini.

The CGIL secretary has returned to talking about the minimum wage. “We think that bringing the minimum wage to 9-10 euros an hour today is an urgent issue that needs to be addressed and on the other hand, I believe that precariousness must be overcome because we have a majority of young people who continue to leave our country precisely because they do not find sufficient conditions here and there is too much disconnect”, he said.

Landini also intervened on the need for Cig in all sectors, due to the climatic emergency which is causing high temperatures. “We are saying something very precise: that a measure must be taken immediately to give the possibility of resorting to layoffs in all sectors, as a tool where there are no conditions to work because the heat puts people’s lives at risk”.


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