Landini: “In the maneuver more austerity than what the EU is asking for. This way the country’s problems are not addressed”

Landini: "In the maneuver more austerity than what the EU is asking for. This way the country's problems are not addressed"


ROME – In a crowded square despite the rain, members of the CGIL with the red raincoats and those at the Uil with blue vests, the leader of the CGIL Maurizio Landini he recalls the fake call of the government, “when the majority meeting had already taken place” and the budget law it had already been developed in every detail. He attacks the measures that cash in on the partial equalization of pensions, the fake cut in the tax wedge which “was that of the Draghi government, they want to sell us the two points like Totò sold the Trevi Fountain”, the fury on basic income “in a country that has 100 billion of tax evasion: but are we sure that income is really Italy’s problem?”. And then, on the sidelines of his intervention, he throws a jab at the minister Salvini “who doesn’t go on strike because, having never worked, he has never had the problem of doing so”.

Strikes against the maneuver, a week of unrest for the CGIL and UIL: the climax on Friday 16 December

The fake hand extended to the self-employed, when in reality “the vast majority of VAT numbers earn less than 30 thousand euros: the real question is to be given the right to holidays, sickness, severance pay. The flat tax is an electoral hustler“. And above all, he rejects a “wrong” maneuver, which “does not address the problems of this country: people don’t make ends meet, wages are among the lowest in Europe, the levels of precariousness are very high, young people are forced to leave our country”. And that in Brussels it passed because “Meloni and Giorgetti, who have always criticized Europe, have implemented a maneuver that is more austerity than what Europe is asking for”.

Strike against Maneuver, CGIL and UIL in the streets. Public transport, school, trains: the effects in the Regions

Landini never misses an opportunity to remind us that “”There is an old popular saying that goes ‘it’s raining thief government’and it’s been raining like this for a week”. But immediately after he takes the floor the rain stops, for a good three quarters of an hour, and from the clouds above the Vittoriano, in Piazza Madonna di Loreto, almost a little So much so that at a certain point, given that many speeches by the CGIL and UIL delegates had been canceled due to the bad weather, he almost felt the need to justify himself: “Allow me to continue a little longer because the rain has stopped”. It resumes just before noon, when the demonstration ends on the notes of “Bella ciao”: “It has stopped raining, it means that we are right…”.

Maurizio Landini: “I intend to reapply for leadership of the CGIL”

by Valentina Conte

However, between 10 and 11, young university students, pensioners and temporary workers found space on stage, thundering against the indiscriminate restoration of vouchers. To which Landini also reserves space in his speech: “The minister told us that they reintroduced them because the production categories had asked for them. Which ones? I don’t know who might have asked him, I meet many people, many young people, and no young never said ‘when I grow up I want to be a temporary worker and I want to be paid with i voucher‘.

And speaking of precarious workers, remember the unfortunate story of the navigator, “precarious workers who should have found work for others, and in the end weren’t even reconfirmed”, and compares it with the active labor policies of Germany and France, where 100,000 and 80 thousand work respectively in the public employment centers thousand workers, “while here there are between 10 and 11 thousand”. “In a country with 100 billion euros of tax evasion, are we sure that the problem is precisely that of basic income, while the number of people below the poverty line is increasing? Because it’s not true that everyone has become poorer, some have become richer”. Like the companies that have cashed in the extra profits: Landini claims the provision of the Draghi government, which has still allowed the allocation of bonuses and favors for workers and pensioners.

On the tax wedge, points the finger at the step back by the government, which had promised “a major intervention on the cut in contributions” on wages but “then decided to extend 2% of the Draghi executive without adding anything”. “This new government cannot play the part of Totò who sells the Trevi Fountain”, she ironically bitterly.

Landini rejects the accusation according to which the CGIL and UIL, unlike the CISL which did not join this week’s protests, which end with today’s demonstration, in Rome and other Italian cities, are attacking the government because it is right-wing , and recalls the similar demonstration last year, just in December, once again only with the Uil, in another square in Rome, Piazza del Popolo. “The government has said that the measures of this maneuver respond to a vision, that they have a vision. We would not want to go from vision to nightmares…”. No to “men and women of providence”. And, with a last praise to the square, he affirms: “We are people who are not afraid of the water or the cold. And we always put our face to it”.

But then, on the sidelines of the demonstration, he observed: “I see a deterioration, with the Draghi government we had obtained the tax wedge relief and support for low incomes. With the Meloni government, the relief remained at 2%, the levies on extra profits are decreased and introduced vouchers, flat tax and does not fight tax evasion. There is no continuity with the Draghi government but a worsening, this government is against the world of work”.


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