Jorge Coulón: “Let’s play to restore courage to Europe”

Jorge Coulón: “Let's play to restore courage to Europe”


Destiny established that on 11 September 1973 Jorge Coulón Larrañaga found himself with his musicians visiting the Dome of St. Peter’s instead of Santiago de Chile, while Salvador Allende succumbed to Pinochet’s coup. That day began the long exile of the Inti-Illimanis, who in Italy are still icons of an era despite the fact that new projects have prevailed over nostalgia during their very long career. Jorge has just returned to Rome with the group to present the album “Agua”, created with the Florentine singer-songwriter Giulio Wilson (whose “Vale la pena” they already performed), which will be in concert throughout Italy from 12 to 26 May. First stop Genoa. A work dedicated to man’s responsibilities in defending the environment, germinated between Italy and Chile during the lockdown of the pandemic, while relationships with nature were recalibrated “and in the upper neighborhoods of Santiago”, says Jorge, “even the pumas descended from the Cordillera”.

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