International cooperation, the LIFE 2023 call for proposals on circular economy and quality of life has been published by the European Commission

International cooperation, the LIFE 2023 call for proposals on circular economy and quality of life has been published by the European Commission


ROME – The European Commission has published the 2023 tenders relating to the LIFE program for the environment and climate action, the main tool for the implementation of the European Green deal. The call for standard action projects (SAP) under the sub-programme Circular economy and quality of life supports projects to facilitate the transition to a sustainable, circular, toxic-free, energy-efficient and climate-resilient economy and to protect, restore and improve the quality of the environment.

SAP projects aim to:

– develop, demonstrate and promote innovative techniques, methods and approaches;
– contribute to the knowledge base and the application of best practices;
– support the development, implementation, monitoring and enforcement of EU legislation and policy;
– catalyze the large-scale deployment of successful technical and policy solutions.

The call includes 2 topics

Topic 1

1. Circular economy and waste
1.1 Recovery of resources from waste
Implementation of innovative solutions in support of value-added recycled materials, components or products for a number of specific areas.

1.2 Circular economy and environment
Implementation of commercial and consumer models or solutions to support value chains, in particular those of key products defined in the new EU action plan for the circular economy, with the aim of reducing or preventing the use of resources and waste.

2. Air
Projects concerning the implementation of air quality legislation and a comprehensive approach to related urban, industrial and rural environmental problems will be funded. Projects must refer to the reduction of air pollutants, in particular PM, NOx and/or ammonia.
2.1 Air Quality Legislation and NEC Directive (National Emission Limits):

2.2 Industrial Emissions Directive

3. Water
Projects will be funded concerning the development and implementation of actions that can help Member States move towards a truly integrated management of water resources, reduce pressures on water (quality and quantity), promote nature-based solutions and support the EU Biodiversity Strategy.
3.1. Quantity and quality of water

3.2. Management of maritime and coastal waters

3.3. Water services

4. Soil
Projects contributing to the land commitments set out in the EU Biodiversity Strategy towards 2030

5. Noise
Solutions with high environmental and economic sustainability for a substantial reduction of noise within densely populated urban areas

6. Chemicals

7. A New European Bauhaus

Topic 2

1. Support to decision making and voluntary approaches of public administrations
– Improve the ability of the PA to implement a holistic view of the environment, including the management, monitoring and evaluation of environmental plans, programs and initiatives, involving the responsible authorities, also through institutional collaboration at different territorial levels and/or in partnership with private entities.
– Development, promotion, implementation and/or harmonization of one or more of the following voluntary tools and approaches and their use by entities aiming to reduce the environmental impact of their activities, products and services.

2. Environmental compliance assurance and access to justice
– Support environmental compliance assurance
– Promote effective public participation and access to justice in environmental matters among the public, NGOs, lawyers, the judiciary, public administrations or other stakeholders.

3. Behavioral change and awareness initiatives
Raising awareness of environmental issues, EU environmental policies, tools and/or legislation among the target audiences, with the aim of changing their perception and promoting environmentally friendly behavior and practices and/or the direct commitment of citizens.

Who is eligible. Legal entities, public and private, established in one of the countries eligible for LIFE, i.e. EU states, including overseas countries and territories, and some other countries, are eligible for the submission of a project proposal; international organizations. For the presentation of a project proposal it is necessary to use the documentation specifically prepared for the reference topic. The EU contribution can cover up to 60% of the project costs for both topics.

The amenities available

– For the topic LIFE-2023-SAP-ENV-ENVIRONMENT the budget is €74,000,000 (of which 8 million for the sub-topic New European Bauhaus), the overall project budget must be between 2 and 10 million euro (indicatively 31 projects will be financed).

– For the LIFE-2023-SAP-ENV-GOV topic, the budget is €7,000,000, the overall project budget must be between €0.7 and €2 million (indicatively 7 projects will be financed). Deadline for the submission of project proposals 6 September 2023.

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