Hunting Committee, the WWF appeal: “Wildlife is not the property of hunters”

Hunting Committee, the WWF appeal: "Wildlife is not the property of hunters"


The great debate about human-animal conflict and on the question of the management of wildlife, which is involving not only insiders, will be enriched tomorrow with a new and important chapter. In fact, tomorrow, Thursday 27 April, the opinion is expected that the Region State Conferencei will have to give the government on the request for replenishment of the National technical faunal hunting committee (Ctfvn), repealed ten years ago. On the table is a draft decree proposed by the Minister of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forestry Francesco Lollobrigida: “Rules for the protection of warm-blooded wildlife and on hunting”.

The appeal of the WWF

WWF Italy takes sides against the possibility of bringing the Committee back to life: “We hope that the State-Regions Conference does not second the intentions of the minister and expresses a negative opinion on the draft decree which contains yet another gift to hunters’ associations who would come to assume a predominant role in the composition of this Committee”.


Moufflons of Giglio, Minister Pichetto Fratin: “They can be hunted because they are allochthonous”

This is the idea of ​​the WWF leaders who underline: “In the reasons for the draft decree sent to the State-Regions Conference it is stated that ‘for needs of simplification and streamlining of the administrative action, as well as to increase the efficiency and effectiveness’ of the Committee, it is deemed necessary “to provide for its reconstitution with a more streamlined and effective representative composition, compared to the one originally envisaged”. It is a pity, however, that this desire for simplification does not also concern the hunters’ component”.

The interview

“Wolves return, Nature regains space: but it’s not our garden. Let’s learn to feel part of her”

by Giacomo Talignani

The representatives of the associations and of Ispra were cut

In the decree proposed by Minister Lollobrigida, there are reductions for many categories: thus the representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of the Environment, the Regions and the Provinces go from three to one for each category, while the environmental associations go down from four to just one representative. “Instead – write the representatives of the WWF – there are three representatives of hunters’ associations to be nominated thus ending up being the most numerous component, to which are also added those of the Italian National Institute for Dogs and the International Council for Hunting and Game Conservation. Incredibly only one place is assigned to ISPRA which should instead constitute the scientific voice in the Committee”.

“Defense of State Assets”

The volunteers who launch an appeal explain: “Apart from the assessments regarding the legitimacy of a ministerial decree that would end up amending a law (L.157/92), what is worrying is the minister’s thought of treating wildlife management as something which only concerns hunters. such as ISPRA.Minister Lollobrigida is characterizing himself as the ‘minister of hunting’, evidently forgetting that fauna is not a property of the increasingly marginal minority of hunters, but instead represents an ‘unavailable state heritage’ to be protected in the interest of the national and international community (Article 1 of Law No. 157/1992)”.


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